My New Years resolution was to meditate every day. Not only did I want to try something that I had never tried before, but I wanted to change my mindset and my life. Combined with a balanced and healthy lifestyle, reading and continuing my self development when it comes to my mental and overall health, I am a different person now and my coping strategies towards stress, anxiety and every day shit that pops up has improved like I never would have imagined.
I found the inspiration to begin meditating after first of all seeing Melissa Ambrosini (I've linked her website for you!) speak at a wellness event last year. I'd heard about her but didn't really know much, so I purchased her book on the day and read it within 3 days from cover to cover. Not only did that book change my life, it changed my daily habits, my way of thinking and how I approach life in general. Gosh if I ever got the chance to thank her one day, that would be a dream come true.
On a daily basis I am asked everything from what I do when I meditate through to what books I read, and everything in between, including my entire daily routine. These questions are asked by people that genuinely want to change their lives and I absolutely love that the awareness towards mental health and mindfulness has increased ten fold over the years. FINALLY!
So that being said, I wanted to share with you my favourite meditation apps that I've used over time. Sometimes it is good to change it up until you find one that works for you, because the one that works for me, may not be the best for someone else. There are different aspects to these apps that I love, yet some that didn't necessarily have the affects that I was hoping for, so give these a go and see what you think.
Remember, you can start RIGHT NOW, which means that you can change your MINDSET and you LIFE, RIGHT NOW!
You can find all of these in your iTunes App Store or Google Play.
The first meditation app that I ever used. It teaches you to become aware of your mind and a great one for beginners.
I friggin' love this app. It asks you to note 5 emotions that you're feeling before giving you the option of different types of meditations that can help your current state of mind. It's the one I'm currently using.
Being mindful means being aware of your state of mind, and this app gets you to check in with yourself and tracks your progress.
This really has a meditation for everyone. I used it when I want to change things up and just do a body scan to become aware of my body again. There are free ones, however many you do need to pay to get access to.
Choose what YOU want to improve when it comes to getting something out of your meditations. Another great one for beginners.
When you first begin meditating, don't be discouraged if you can't immediately switch off. It took my many sessions to really understand what I was trying to do and what I wanted to get out of it, and now I really have a WHY behind why I meditate.
After being put on medications for years to aid my severe anxiety and depression, I was never once prescribed anything to do with exercise, healthy eating or meditation. I wish that I had known how powerful these simple life changing tools were 10 years ago, but I guess in hindsight, I wouldn't be the person that I am today.
It doesn't take a big chunk out of your day to meditate. Even 5 minutes of your day to focus on your mind, your thoughts and what's doing through your mind and your body could change your day.