Getting back into exercise when you’re postpartum

You see here, what I’m trying to point out is that not every mother has the same postpartum journey and it’s all about adapting to a new lifestyle because really that’s what being a parent is about - adapting while also making sure that we find that time to look after yourself, because you matter too.

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LISTEN: Podcasts that are goodness for the ears and mind

When I do actually get some time to listen to one, it’s either quick burst type of episode or if I have some time in the car while Coopy sleeps at school pick up, I have the opportunity to listen to a little bit of a longer one (IYKYK). I like to use my time wisely, so if I’m going to dedicate my ears to a podcast, I want it to be bullshit and fluff free, straight to the point and full of goodness that I can take away from it. Yes, I devour myself in self development podcasts because it’s what I like to use my quiet listening time for (coz again, as parents there’s not too much of that).

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Lauren Patterson
The POWER of a 15 minute Workout

When I started to hear from the crew that they were not only sticking to their workouts, but they were loving them, it meant that these 15 minute workouts were actually making a difference. Call them “micro workouts” if you will, a workout is a workout. SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING.

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Lauren Patterson
Books that changed my life

I’ve learnt over the years as a busy parent that if you want to read, you need to make time to do it.
These days, I keep a book in my car for in case Coop falls asleep while we wait for the kids to finish school or I arrive early for something in my schedule (which is always because I’m always early for everything), next to my bed (which is the one that gets read the least, LOL) and on the couch in case Coop falls asleep on me there. Pretty much everything depends on Coop falling asleep if I want to read.

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Lauren Patterson

As humans, but especially as women, we often prioritise other people’s wants and needs before our own – we show them love and respect, hype them up when needing encouragement, respect their boundaries, and give compliments freely. But why is it so hard to show that same love and respect to ourselves?
If you struggle with the concept of self love, and are constantly putting evvvveryone else at the top of your to-do list, with you-time right at the very bottom, living in the land of “maybe one day, if I get time”, then these tips are for you!

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I love exercise. I love it because it makes me feel good, I love it because it helps me focus and I love it even more because it helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life, including being a single parent.I have always been into sport and exercise, but that doesn’t mean i’ve always done it.
I fell into my partying ways to cope with my mental illness. Goodbye active lifestyle, unless you call dancing on the podiums with gosh knows how many double blacks under my belt “active”.

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Lauren Patterson

I’ve always been a big believe in treating everyone with kindness because you never know what type of day they’re having and although other people may not share that same life philosophy, I honestly don’t give a shit. I’m incredibly considerate of other peoples feelings, however I don’t think that me smiling at a stranger as I walk past them is going to make their day any worse.

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About two months ago, I finally discovered podcasts. Until then it had just been that purple icon on my phone that I had moved into the 'useless shit' folder on my phone, but after starting to fall into the depths of anxiety again, I knew that I needed to find something new to add to my daily routine that would help me and even more so, LEARN from. 

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I have a pile of books next to my bed that are begging me to read them, but after being recommended "The Miracle Morning" by a good friend of mine, I high tailed it to the shops to purchase it. It's now a week later, and in my somewhat crazy life, I've now managed to finish it because I just couldn't put it down.

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We've all heard of this thing called 'mindfulness' and half of you are probably thinking it's some term used by a spiritual healer or yoga teacher - well it's not and it's actually a super awesome thing that has become incredibly important in my life and now I probably walk around sounding like a yoga teacher when I can't even bend down and touch my toes.

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